Grand Central Station before and during COVID-19

COVID-19 Pandemic Response

The Biocomplexity Institute provides its expertise in epidemiological modeling to help local, state, and federal government officials respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We work with the Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense, and the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide decision-makers with tools to better evaluate the impact of the pandemic.

Our research team produces innovative computational models and real-time simulations using high-performance computing to forecast disease spread. Their work is at the frontier of science and has been relied upon through major epidemics since 2005.

Protecting the Commonwealth of Virginia

The Institute's COVID-19 Response Team consults directly with several state agencies, including the Virginia Department of Emergency Management and Virginia Department of Health (VDH). The team provides a weekly forecasting update to state officials to support informed decision making and guidance to the public, and to help VDH protect the health and wellbeing of all people in Virginia.

Ongoing Pandemic Research

We continue to study the Novel Coronavirus, and pandemics in general, through current projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and IARPA. Explore these projects to the right.

This Expeditions project will enable novel implementations of global infectious disease computational epidemiology by advancing computational foundations, engineering principles, theoretical understanding, and novel technologies.

PREPARE is a virtual organization to facilitate communication and collaboration among scientists currently involved in pandemic research through the NSF RAPID program. PREPARE will encourage the sharing of research results in a way not available without a concerted effort.