
Data Science for the Public Good Distinguished Speaker Series: Hadley Wickham

Event Details

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
4:00pm-5:00pm Eastern Time (ET)


Missed this event? You can watch it recorded here.

Hadley Wickham headshot

Hadley Wickham is a chief scientist at RStudio, and an adjunct professor of statistics at the University of Auckland, Stanford University, and Rice University. To learn more about Hadley, click here.

Title: dplyr: one language, many implementations

Abstract: One of dplyr's lesser known features is that it works with data stored in a wide range of ways, translating dplyr verbs into a variety of other computational frameworks. In his talk, Hadley will talk about three important backends: dtplyr, dbplyr, and multidplyr. These allow dplyr to seamlessly scale up to handle every larger dataset:

  • dtplyr uses the fantastic data.table package to quickly work with large in-memory datasets; 
  • dbplyr converts your R code to SQL so you can work with data of any size in a relational database; and 
  • multidplyr allows you to easily take advantage of every core on your computer. 

Hadley also will discuss recent community contributions that extend these backends to key tidyr verbs, and share why he thinks the idea of separation description from computation is such a powerful idea.