Our Scholarly Work

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Social and Decision Analytics
Linehan K; Siwe L; Thurston J; Shipp S; Kindlon A; Jankowski J . Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Wu E; Salvo J; Lancaster V; Shipp S . Proceedings of the Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Shipp S . American Statistical Association Conference on Statistical Practice. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Wang A; Siwe L; Mehdi Q; Goswami T; Montalvo C; Shipp S . Proceedings of the Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia. 2023;
Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing | Social and Decision Analytics
Pires B; Goldstein J; Molfino E; Ziemer K; Orr M; Jimenez J . Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. Springer Link. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Charankevich H; Goldstein J; Halder A; Pender J . International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Montalvo C; Castillo-Chavez C; Perrings C; Mubayi A . Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Elsevier. 2023; 86:101471
Social and Decision Analytics
Montalvo C; Lancaster V; Shipp S; Salvo J . FCSM 2023. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Schroeder J . Code4Lib Annual Conference. 2023;
Social and Decision Analytics
Linehan K . Montgomery College. 2023;