NSSAC Hero Image

Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing

We forecast social, health and infrastructure outcomes by modeling complex scenarios

How can we best fight infectious disease outbreaks? When will a social media protest become a civil crisis? We investigate large-scale biological, social and technological systems at play in the world. By simulating scenarios of unfolding situations, we provide insights to help decision makers refine science-based responses. In the process, we produce high-tech tools and foundational knowledge that advance the science of biocomplexity.

Orange wiring through black blocks

Our Team

Our team integrates diverse research perspectives. We're cognitive, behavioral and social scientists, along with epidemiologists, data analysts, statisticians, biochemists and software engineers. Working collaboratively, we pool our capabilities and theoretical knowledge to tackle stubborn and evolving issues in the world, from contagion of behaviors and diseases to disruptions in resource distribution and ecosystems.

Our Areas of Focus

We apply our computational modeling tools and combined expertise to tackle a broad swath of issues affecting human life – from improving disaster resiliency in city infrastructures to identifying previously unknown organisms in our environments and bodies.

We develop tools to distill vast medical and ecological data and share them with research scientists, healthcare professionals and policymakers.

By computing predictive models, we provide public-health policymakers with data and analysis to identify and respond to epidemics.

Research Spotlight

Modeling for COVID-19

We've modeled several epidemics in the past 20 years, including H1N1 and Ebola. Today, collaborating with researchers from across the Institute and the University of Virginia, we're modeling scenarios to help governments and the global research community understand and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Student Opportunities

Computing for Global Challenges Program

From human health to infrastructure, our world is facing enormous threats. To understand them, we need and use data. This undergraduate program is a training ground for the next generation of data-driven researchers. Working in teams with peers and scientists from the Institute's Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing division, students learn a new way to address real-world issues while working on critical research projects.